Cavanaugh, R., Olivieri-Mui, B., & Smith, L. Treatment Dosage in Aphasia Rehabilitation: From Research Efficacy to Real-World Evidence. Seminar accepted at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Thursday, November 16, 2023, Boston, MA.
Cavanaugh., R (2023) Are there research - practice dosage gaps in neurorehabilitation? . Invited presentation, Carolinas Rehabilitaiton, Charlotte NC., September, 2023
Cavanaugh, R., Dalton, S., & Richardson, J. (2022). Novel Web Applications to Facilitate Discourse Analysis in Everyday Clinical Practice. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention. Friday, November 18, 2022, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Cavanaugh, R., & Swiderski, A., Steel, S., Fergadiotis, G., Hula, W.D. (2022). Computer Adaptive Naming Assessment for Aphasia: A New Tool for SLPs. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention. November 18, 2022, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Cavanaugh R., Swiderski, A., Goldberg, E., Hula, W.D., Evans, W.S., Dickey, M.W.., (2022) Within-trial evidence for the Importance of Feature Generation during Semantic Feature Analsyis. Platform accepted at Academy of Aphasia (October 2022).
Note: Awarded Best Student Presentation
Cavanaugh, R, Brancamp, T, Harmon, T, Wallace, S, Biel, M, Hambridge, T, Caputo, M, Evans, WS (2022). Measuring Post-traumatic Growth in People with Aphasia. Abstract for poster presentation, annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference (May 2022). Wrightsville Beach, NC
Schliep, M., Cavanaugh, R., , Tierney-Hendricks, C., Schnek, S., Douglas, N., (2022). Leveraging Implementation Science to Advance the Reach of Aphasia Best Practices. Abstract for roundtable presentation, annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference (May 2022). Wrightsville Beach, NC
Steel, S., Cavanaugh R., Fergadiotis, G., Hula, W.D., (2022) Bridging the gap: Measuring perceived barriers and facilitators of a novel anomia assessment tool. Lightning talk, Implementation Science is for All: A CSD Practice-Research Exchange (April 2022).
Evans, W.S., Quique, Y.M., Cavanaugh, R, Lescht, E. (2021). Effects of adaptive distributed practice and stimuli variability in flashcard-based anomia treatment. Abstract for poster presentation, 59th Academy of Aphasia, Online
Cavanaugh, R. Quique, Y, Boss, E, Hula, W.D., and Evans, W.S. (2021). Practicing with BEARS: Active Ingredients in Semantic Feature Analysis. Abstract for poster presentation, 51st annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Online
Cavanaugh, R., Kravetz, C., Jarold, L., Quique, Y., Turner, R., Evans, W.S. (2021). Is there a research-practice dosage gap in aphasia rehabilitation? Abstract for poster presentation, Aphasia Access Leadership Summit, online.
Cavanaugh, R., Terhorst, L., Swiderski, A.W., Hula, W.D., Evans, W.S. (2020). A Systematic Appraisal of Individual Effect Sizes in Aphasia Single-Case Designs via Simulation. Abstract for poster presentation, 58th Academy of Aphasia, Philadelpha PA.
Cavanaugh, R., Evans, W.S., Gravier, M., Autenreith, A., Ashmore, E., Doyle, P., Hula, W., Dickey, M.W., (2019). Do the kinds of features that patients generate during Semantic Feature Analysis affect treatment outcomes? Poster presented at the 2019 Clinical Aphasiology Conference in Whitefish, MT.
Cavanaugh, R.B., Haley, K.L. (2018) Subjective communication difficulties in very mild aphasia. Abstract for poster presentation, 48th annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Austin, TX.